I Will Be Refunding All Pledges for Scrapyard Empire
over 9 years ago
– Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:17:15 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
Backerkit / Stripe Refunds Successful, Survey to Go Out Next Week for Kickstarter Refunds
over 9 years ago
– Fri, Oct 02, 2015 at 07:38:42 PM
Just a quick update on the refund processing.
Backerkit was extremely helpful in processing refunds. Everything was processed 2 days ago through Stripe, and the debit for the funds hit my bank account this morning. It appears that 100% of the refunds went through. If you pledged any funds through Backerkit, you should see a credit of the full amount of those funds on your next credit card statement. I wanted to wait for those results before sending the survey for Kickstarter funds, in case there was a problem.
Surveys will go out next week regarding the refund of funds pledged through Kickstarter. Please be on the lookout for an email.
Surveys to Go Out Soon for Refunds
over 9 years ago
– Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 12:20:50 AM
I’ve exchanged a number of messages with Kickstarter and Backerkit regarding refunds. Here’s where things stand.
Kickstarter Refunds
When we started this project, Kickstarter processed payments through Amazon. That has changed to Stripe. So, it is not possible to process refunds directly through Kickstarter. They recommended PayPal.
I spoke with PayPal and they are fine with me processing the transactions as “friends and family” so that no one gets charged any fees. I plan to send out a survey between this week and next with options. PayPal will be the easiest, fastest, least costly way for me to return your money. If you have a PayPal account then you can just confirm the correct email address to post funds to when you receive the survey.
I realize that some of you do not have PayPal accounts, so there will be an option to receive your refund via check.
Some of you were kind enough to mention that you don’t need a refund since you were at the Print ‘n Play level, so there will be an option there to waive some or part of your refund if you would like to help me cover some of my losses – I would be very grateful if anyone chooses that route, but it is of course not required. My goal is to make everyone whole and move forward.
There will be an expiration date for submitting survey responses so that this does not drag on longer than necessary. I’ll probably send one more round of surveys to people who haven’t answered it, then I will use my best judgment to send refunds to people who haven’t responded, based on whatever information I currently have. Figure the whole process will be rolled out over the course of the next few weeks and I will do my best to make it happen sooner rather than later.
Backerkit Refunds
Later this week, I plan to coordinate with Backerkit to attempt a full refund through Stripe on all orders they processed. If it is successful, then funds will post to people’s credit cards on file right away. It’s possible that they might not go through since it’s been so long. If that is the case, then I will follow a similar course of action to what I’ve outlined above for the Kickstarter refunds.
Thanks again for your patience. I am looking forward to closing out this project. The offers we’ve received for the IP rights to Scrapyard Empire were not in range, so the door is still open for a short time if anyone is still interested - you can contact me here regarding purchasing the rights to the game. While I appreciated the offers that did come in, I don’t expect future offers to be in the right ballpark for it to make sense for me, so it’s likely that we’ll just upload whatever we have to one of the print on demand services sometime in the foreseeable future and you’ll be able to buy a copy of the game if you so choose. It won’t be of the same quality as we had planned, but if we take that direction then you’ll at least be able to have a playable copy of it at some point in the future, and I’ll be able to recover a portion of my losses on this.
Best wishes,
over 9 years ago
– Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 07:44:43 AM
I know I'm behind on many things, including updates. This is just a short note to let everyone know that I am working diligently on moving things along this week. I will post a "real" update hopefully later in the week. I say hopefully because that's my goal, but things come up in my non-KS life that I have to juggle alongside this project, so it's possible that it might get pushed until after the weekend. One thing I've learned is that planning to spend a weekend working on this stuff just never seems to work out right, so I need to carve out time during the week. I had planned to spend Sunday working on this stuff to have an update ready for Monday, but honestly I was exhausted and just didn't have the energy needed to focus.
At any rate, I've spent half the day yesterday and part of the day today going through my notes and files, and I've been in communication with the manufacturer to gain clarity on what I still owe them.
My goal for later this week is to provide a realistic timeline on when various milestones will be reached, to set new expectations. I planned this project far better than my first one, and on paper, everything seemed to make sense when we launched the campaign. But, things happened, and with all of that pre-planning, I just did a poor job on the post-campaign execution. I've explained all of the goings-on in past updates, so I won't dwell on those things.
Regardless, I just wanted to send a short note that I am on top of this, and an carving out time this week to get reorganized and re-energized to see this thing through to completion.
Thank you all for the patience and kindness during this process.
More details to follow.
Current Project Status
over 9 years ago
– Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 04:52:01 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.